Ohk where to start I actually have a few things I'm gonna share so bear with me.
Actually three completely different things, really should be three posts hmmm, myeh if you don't like one feel free to skip it.
Firstly, I have started an eternal quest to find a NZ beer in this country, not to buy of course, our exported beer is shit, just to make a point. I'm yet to see one anywhere yet, it really hit me last night when we were at this bar that ws proud of it's international selection of drinks.
They had a NZ selection and i was stoked, three NZ drinks mde it in. Now for the audience participation, what do you think our three best drinks.
Wow good guess, you're right, it is actually Vodka Mudshakes, Vodka Cruisers and KGB,s....
Yeah... actually i need to explain, i never actually realised KGB's were a NZ thing until i came here and ne of the girls ran off to get a couple of 'my favourite drink's from the dairy, came back with a handful of grapefruit KGB's, ok, so as things do we eventually posed ohk so where these things from, yeah we have them at home. "Product of New Zealand" Oh christ i'm so ashamed, these things are fucking huge here, the bar we were at last night decorated there upper walls with empty bottles, 2/3 of which were KGB, well look at that we contribute 2 things to Asia, kiwifruit and KGB's. Oh the humanity.
Now yesterday was the first day of the new school year, luckily there was no kindergarten so we didn't start work til 3, however it was still a rush to get ready in time. The whole thing was chaos, we had a meeting full of empty new ideas to make us a bigger and better school
Then we had to get our textbooks allready, easier said then done when its a full room of books and even still half of them werent there yet, that and the fact that it was almost impossible to get the list of books you needed for each class, oh so much chaos.
It all worked out though, 3 o'clock arrived and time to start teaching, wait a sec we're three teachers short, one quit on friday after 2days work, Johnny had gone to the doctor and not come back, a new teacher wasn't quite here yet and Birgitta was still in Aussie, hmmm. I have no idea what ended p happening, i think there was a couple of teachers teacing more than one class, no one got a break and im sure at least one class went unsupervised for at least an hour.
Despite the craziness, I hafta say, i fucking lucked in (is that even really a saying), I have awesome classes 2 hours of KG1-A everyday (these are the kids who just started school but have been at Boston for a couple of years and speak good english, the top class for their age, and good kids, these were the kids i covered for at the start of the week so we already have a bit of a rapport, then MWF i have a K- 2.2A for another 2 hours, this is the top class for the next year up, also good kids, eager to learn and can understand my jokes. And then MWF after that i have 6-6.45 of teaching the TOEFL class, 13/14yo kids, speak very average english, this is a prep course for their exams, give them ass loads of homework, there's 8 girls/ one boy,and the boys the only one that answers any of my questions, I'm sure i'll get them into it eventually.
Now Tu/Th i have the KG1A class then a 4.1 class that i've never met, but i'm pretty sure its the super-advanced class, the main textbook is a book of interesting conversation topics, gotta be good. And, Tu/Th i'm finished at 5:15, whether i'm allowed to leave, i dunno yet, can't see why not.
So I think i actually got the best afternoon deal i could have, our teaching boss Janet does like me luckily, so it paid off.
My morning classes, however, hmm, i really don't know, I'm teaching Winnies D, 4-5yo who've never really learnt english before so i they don't speak much i assume, really dunno how low their level will be, but i get to shape them and hopefully most of them don't have english names so i'll get to name them as well. Fuck Yeah, I'm tryin to get a bi list of possible interesting names, cos i've met too many James' and Chris'.
So far i have definites of: Atticus, Gertrude, Rufus, Monteith
Possibles: Alfalfa, Bo
I need some suggestions, remember first names only
And by Monday, man i hope they don't have names
My last thing is a bit horrible, Johnny, one of the teachers turned up yesterday, sick as a dog, after the meeting, Janet told him to go see a doctor, get some drugs, a coupla hours later he turns back up to call in 10,o00 that i owe him to buy some drugs, he grabs the money and heads
By the end of the day Janet's decided she's firing him for not turning up, ok he didn't go see her when he came back and didn't tell her, but for christ's sake. She really has had it in for him the whole time he's been here. But this is ridiculous
The one golden rule of ESL teaching, especially at our place is they may yell at you constantly but they'll never fire you, we are seriously understaffed as it is.
So she's gonna give him a month and then he has to leave, the month will cover the time to replace him, now if i was him and general consensus agrees, I'd ditch on payday, which is this Monday, leaving us in the lurch, hmmm.
I really hope she's cooled down and realised we need him, he's not a bad teacher, he's an awesome guy, it's really quite unnecessary