Thats pretty sad really my life's not that interesting.
Well you asked.
Firstly, I finally have my own Korean wireless internet oh yeah, superfast internet all over my room wire free. Still no bed sheets tho, I've got my priorities sorted.
I've had a pretty standard weekend, got quite drunk a couple of times, spent all Saturday nite and sunday morning telling people its kiwiFRUIT, gah.
I got another Korean guy's phone number yesterday, Yay for me.
This one was under completely different circumstances, not nearly as drunken, however coincidentally at a subway station.
Anyway, I'm walking outta Tecnomart on the way to catch a subway home, and a guy coes u to me, says hi, and then asks me if i have a couple of minutes to hear about god (intentional lower case g), I'm like christ, but i tell him i have to catch the train quickly to get home (in case i missed the last train in 6 hours), so he offers me some reading material, here i stop and tell him there is no point as I have no intention of reading it.
No, by now we're on an escalator together, hmm, he seems like a reasonable guy, kinda sad that he's gotten caught up in the 'bad crowd'. No reason not to be friendly, i found out he learnt english whilst living in NZ, in fact he'd lived in Tauranga at one point, but mainly in Henderson.
So he gave me his number.
He seemed reasonable to bad about his habit. I aint gonna call, kinda sad cos he's the closest thing to a NZer i've met here.
Oh yeah, I probbly havnet mentioned that, myeh, so there's no Nzers around..
The only other eeven remotely newsworthy tidbit is the loss of a small bit of my hair, part of my eyebrow and most of the eyelashes on one eye in a tragic flaming cocktail-related incident. Umm yeah.

haha im not a nerd
scored 13.
hows it brad hoki was fucking awsum. we had a great time over there.
shit yeah hoki was awesome, i got trashed and wandered round random parties by myself coz the music at the dance was gay.
on another hand, when james was dropping me home after poker (i lost on pocket jj to someone with AKo on my 2nd hand, all in and got rivered) but anyway, we could swear that we saw you biking on peveral street. trippy
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