Warning, incredibly long rant ahead no substance, don't bother reading unless in cases of extreme boredom
Apart from the day my day has been pretty hellish, firstly Atticus' parents didn't like his name so I named him Steve out of spite, now he's a horrible kid. And Tane's parents changed it to Jade, which while hilarious for a guy (i tried to explain) is annoying as well. And after one day of class with him I actually want to tie him to the chair and gag him, particular to tying his arms down. This kid is a freaking monster who doesn't realise it, no i'm not talking to you, I"m yelling at you at the top of my voice, I know you don't kknwo English, but you must know no or at least understand by the volume and tone of my voice, gahhh, I actually picked him by his shirt collar and dragged him back across the room at one point, the fourth such attempt to get him to sit, when he moved again story time was over and they all went back to the classroom. He sits right next to me and grabs my stuff, and i actually found another kids crayons in his bag after half an hour of searching.
My kids just plain don't speak the same language as me, i know more korean than they know English and thats nt saying much. By the end of Kindergarten I was actually broken, hmmm i don't know how I'm gonna handle them, some of them are just dumbasses nd i don't handle idiocy well, i knwo they're only 4 but seriously. I think it's more frustrating because there's a handful of awesome kids, out of my 11, 3 are awesome, 4 are pretty good, 2 aren't great, but the last two are just plain disruptive.
So yeah a full 10-2.55 morning with them was painful, and at the end i was seriously pondering just walking away for a while, but that was partly because of the schedule i'd just been handed.
Build your very own Domo-kun
Ah the schedule, Janet pulled me aside at lunchtime (actually 3 teachers separately) and asked if I would mind working til 7.40 tues thurs, i could come late tues thurs and she'd cut me back to a 6 finish mon wed fri. I say yes i do mind i really dont wanna work til 7.40, i really, really don't wanna do it, ohk umm well its your choice but your gonna do it anyway (umm doubletake), ho-k
So i get the schedule, and not only am i working 6.45-7.40tu/th (which is annouing cos i finished at 5.15 otherwise and could have had an arvo off (this is the main reason i handled the first draft cos it was pretty intense), so no early home, but she didn't cut back MWF or let me start late tues thurs, hmm.
I walked into her office and tell her this plain unacceptable, completely unreasonable, she's liek yeah i know, you have the worst schedule i knwo that, i would give it to Johnny but i can't(you're fucking kidding me, I'm Johnny's mate for christ sake) but yeah someone has to have the worst schedule (no they freaking don't if you did your job properly we'd all have reasonable schedules)
So after about 5min she admitted i was being forcefully raped but wasn't gonna do anything, and her respect and admiration made it worthwhile. So i left fucking fuming.
Luckily she came up to the staffroom a coupla minutes later and gave me 45min off tu th morning, hell it's better than nothing, so does she go do the same to the other two teachers working late, no, one of them gets it but Oona don't get no free mornings. Hmmm, so complaining gets everything here, good to know.
Turns out the late class are the most unrespectful kids ever, yay.
Well no listen to teacher, teacher no teach, you no learn, fuckers
Plus: New children's quote, I think I'll be able to update it reasonably regularly
Word of the day: Fictionary
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