I don't even know where to start, so i decided i should start some kind of record of my trip, mainly for me, but I suppose it's a good way for my legions of fans to here what I'm up to :)
Anyway where to start, well I arrived last Tuesday night, after a 12 hour flight, (Korea is 4 hours behind NZ btw) had an interesting taxi ride, and got put in what is known here as a "Love Hotel", porn on the first channel of the cable, down a shady alley.
9 days later i'm still in there, i'm moving to an apartment tomorrow hopefully, though only temporarily, I get my actual apartment on the 27th hopefully.
Aside, Seoul is great so far, my first day was a little frightening, the first time i walked into the supermarket i wandered around for a while and couldn't find anything i wanted, and couldn't read a word.
A week later however, I can easily call this place home
My job is quite good, there's a couple of bad points but nothing major, add to that the fact that all the other english speaking teachers are awesome and I love it, a social life in a can, luckily they're all quite partial to some good partying so I feel really comfortable already.
The job itself at the moment is pretty nothing, the new school year starts at the start of March so i don't have class per se I've just been giving level tests constantly for a week, which is alright, but can be a bit boring and frustrating at times. I got to teach a couple of classes today which was good, but i was completely unprepared, 2 outta 3 i had to pretty much make up n the spot, which went better than expected but still nothing spectacular.
Haven't seen much of the city yet, just a bit of my area, a bit of the other guys' area, a bit of the school's area and a short walk from the subway to the bar in Itaewon (the foreigner's part of town). It's all crazy neons and bright signs, though i don't think korea has heard of colour shades, all the signs are stock primary colours, red yellow blue black and a bit of green in the true crayola sense of the words.
The food here has been pretty alright so far, not a big fan of kimchi yet but it'll grow, most of it's quite basic, but it's hella cheap.
I did have an awesome meal on friday, a korean BBQ, fucking A, cooking meat in front of you, rice vegetables, and large quantities of soju and this random bamboo spirit, twas an incredibly drunken night, good times had by all
I think that's all I can think of right now about me, I'm fitting in real well (well into the foreigners anyway), so now I'm gonna list a lot of random generalisations I have come up with whilst trying not to fall asleep while a kid is trying to explain that their dad cleans buildings.
Firstly after way too much cable, i've noted a few things:
They have a channel devoted entirely to showing LAN games of Starcraft (seriously, 24 hours a day), actually i think it's devoted to LAN gaming, but 9 outta 10 times i flick through it's Starcraft, i've seen counterstrike a coupla times as well.
They have 3 channels devoted to teaching useless English ("can you run that by me again?")
The Discovery channel is the only true english channel - it's not real discovery, it has west coast choppers on it
Koreans must dress up as girls in comedy skits, it's not funny otherwise,
Alias, CSI:Miami, Dark Angel, Sex and the City and 24 are the top of the line American shows
British Pimp my Ride is the saddest excuse for anything ever, seriously every second is painful
But luckily there's always at least two english movies on at any time, I've managed to watch half of lotsa movies, the original superman, chronicles of riddick, alien vs predator, the mummy 2, rules of engagement....
Now away from TV,
SPAM IS A LUXURY PRODUCT IN KOREA, seriously they love the stuff, it's everywhere in the supermarkets,
Actually that's about it for me, i got class again in 10 minutes, but that is an excessive post, I'll fill it out over time cos I know i have forgotten stuff
Hope you're all well
Love you all