Sunday, 25 February 2007

Meat Buffet

Ahh, the meat buffet, we went out to celebrate Nick's birthday, on the other side of Seoul (a long way away).
We started with a meat buffet, not common, but they do exist apparently, now this place had a big buffet of raw meat, salads and so forth, you go up choose your meat then cook and eat it. (Cooking your own meat is the tradidtional Korean BBQ style, and is so fucking awesome, Ill explain it someday.)
We sat and ate constantly for 2 hours straight, it was awesome, so much meat, i tried everything, which I'm stoked about, the cow intestine was nothing to write home about, but otherwise good.
Ate some duck, baby squid, and Korean style chicken feet, in which you jusut eat the whole thing bones and all, given they are reasonabl soft, but there's still some nice crunchy bones in there.
Then ate icecream with chopsticks-awesome
We then went to this place- i hesitate to call it a bar, it wasn't quite a Hof, wasn't quite a noreban, I really didnt understand.
It was pretty much a basement, with noreban(karaoke) some chairs, a middle aged woman serving us, but ....i emphasize the but, it had a full band setup, coupla guitars, a bass, drums keyboard, and of course mics.
Turns out Nick is fucking genius on a Sax, it was brilliant, two guys out of his band and another guy he had tried to start a band with eventually got up on stage, played some jazz, it was awesome.
At the end of the night, after a whole lotta karaoke and a nice amount of scotch and beer, they jump up again, the guitarist jumps on bass, so i grab a guitar, and play a couple songs, reggae/bluesy music, it was fucking awesome, it's weird to think outta the 6 odd months of The Moment Killers we never really just had a random jam, and it was so much fun
And that brings me to the end of my story, another crazy Saturday nite, awesome, at least i remember this one.

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