Oh and i can hijack wireless internet on one wall of my apartment, so free internet til they realise.
Here's a couple of photos, sorry about them my camera's dead and my battery charger is with most of my stuff at another teacher Oona's place, fuck moving it all in one trip. So here's the best i can do with the macbooks isight

Ok it is a nice place and this photo doesn't do it justice, particularly since my stuf is thrown everywhere, don't worry mom it's gonna be tidy eventually :)
And out my window, now these were not easy shots to take

Well that's all for now
Ciao (no, i don't know korean for goodbye)
Where does that door go to? That a balcony or a closet?
Firstly all the photos are in reverse, hmmm, and it goes to an aircondidtiong unit so no fun, thoug it'd would be a good place to hide a body
Or many bodies. Koreans there are of a similar size to the ones here right?
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