Friday, 31 August 2007


So I had a pretty interesting day on Wednesday, I suppose I should really use the word horrible, but it really wasn't.
So it started with undoubtedly the biggest event.
I'll start by mentioning that on Monday I noticed the handlebar on my bike was a little loose (This can't be going somewhere good, I hear you say) but didn't have an Allen key so I left it.
Anyway Wednesday morning, biking to work I see a workmate walking along so I decided to pull up and say Hi. So I jump up the curb (not the full curb, just the lowered driveway entranec curb)
However the wheel didn't follow the handlebar, so I went flying ass over tit. She turns around to see me sprawled on the ground with the wheels of my bike still spinning. Now I wasn't going slow, I've decided biking to work in Seoul is an extreme sport and treat it that way.
So I end up fucked up on the ground, I've badly grazed my left knee, my right ankle, my elbow, cut up a finger, grazed my back and put a nice gash next to my left big toe.
Back home, this wouldn't really be too much of a problem I gave it a couple of minutes of rocking back and forth in the foetal position then started hobbling to school.
However, in Seoul, even the smallest cut is bad luck because of the ridiculous amount of bacteria everywhere. But a little anti bacterial cream and it's all fine.
However a couple of hours later I was getting a little scared because I still couldnt feel three of my toes.
After 5 toeless hours I decided to give Mom an email, got home after work, gave her a call and she is frantically telling me to go to a doctor, it could be spinal damage, hmm, maybe tomorrow.
By this point, I had realized I had come home to a hot water-less house, the guy who fixed my AirCon must hav left it off.
And I'd had 3 confrontations with my boss in one day (Quite a feat)
Which were actually kinda fun ( I have absolutely zero respect for her as a boss, she's a good teacher but she has serious management problems)
The first one she pulled me in to complain about me. Basically she was annoyed because I didn't care that she was angry at me. That and I was taking my time getting back to her about the new kindy homework, which I am totally against and keep trying to tell her so. So that actually worked I managed to get her alone to get my point across.
However, she came out with "If I was in a good mood, I'd happily take this into consideration and try and to work it out, however I'm stressed at the moment so I can't be bothered and you should just do what I say" and when I answer with Well thats not really my problem at all is it, that's your problem (As I said no respect for her managerial responsibilities) she just tells me that yes it is. So I stop, there's only so much talking to a brick wall I can do in one day
The next one is simply because I was a couple of minutes late to a new afternoon class (not even my fault, elevators are a bitch) So she yells at me, and I yell back that I'm here as fast as possible (I admit I didn't need to yell) then she comes in and tell me I shouldn't make scenes, because the parents were there, I guess her yelling at me is not a scene but me responding is? Where's your staff trust.
And the last one, was completely unprovoked on my part, I just rang up to see if there was a secret switch for the hot water somewhere and she got a little pissy.
On her behalf though, she is under a lot of stress lately.
Anyway, so Wednesday, missing three toes, went out for Dinner, mates 35th bday, and we got him, wait for it, 36 bottles of soju, 36 fucking bottles (his Korean age).
Good times.
Luckily Oona came up for that so I had someone to watch out in case I woke up paralysed (thanks Mom)
Luckily I woke up fine, went to the doctor, after two hours, a couple of X-rays a shot of antibiotics? two different clinics and $6 later I was properly bandaged, had some good practice at saying I don't speak Korean and some other basic Korean, like I don't know and my cellphone number, and had finally been told I had no serious injuries just a vicious compression injury and the feeling in your foot should come back in 4-5 days. Hilarious, so I get to be two-toed for a week, luckily its the big toe and little toe that I can feel, so I can walk, the other three are unnecessary anyway.
And now, Friday morning I am about to head to work and hour early so I can get my injuries rebandaged.
As I said, interesting, you'd think a serious bike crash, 3 separate confrontations, and no hot water when you have vicious wounds would be horrible, but myeh.
On another note, this morning marks two weeks without booze, I have to say it's actually been kinda nice, I've started dreaming again for one thing.
And on that note , I'm outta here

Tuesday, 28 August 2007

It's been long enough, huh?

So who wants to hear about what I've been up to?
Didn't think so, but here we go anyway.
So what have I been up to?
I bought a bike a week ago been biking to work all last work, it's a nice ride, too bad the 15min ride to work soaks my shirt and clogs my lungs.
Been trying to sort out next year, not going so well, looks like Im flying back in December for an interview, the week before my xmas break grrr.
Gonna be the most expensive thing I"ve ever done, could fly NZ to UK for the same price, it's a full months salary if i get t soon, more if I wait, kinda cuts into my earnings, considering my UMAT test cost just under a month's and I've squandered most of the rest I've made on booze, BBQ and toys.
On a brighter note I m currently on day 11 of sobriety, my personal 4 year record, and has been since about day 8.
Thought I'd give it a try, I said two weeks, lets see how it goes.

Went to the pool with my babies last Friday was great fun, a hundred odd kids all fully decked out in goggles swim cap and float ring, and even still less than half of my kids even jumped in the water.
I've decided when i have kids they are learning to swim before they can walk.
The day was topped off by watching Atticus attempting to throw a piece of food into his mouth, and repeatedly hitting himself in the nose, picking it up and repeating, with the hugest grin on his face.
However this was possibly outshone by Roger when he picked up a towel draped it on his head and said "Brad teacher, my girl, my girl"
A cross-dresser in the making

That's all for now, time for bed

Friday, 17 August 2007

So, I got told my Korean was good yesterday by the taxi driver - He was wrong.
I jumped in the taxi and had this conversation.
Translated for your convenience (and cause otherwise I'd be here for ages)
Me: Hi, take me to Sacred Heart Hospital please
Me: Gangdong Sacred Heart Hospital (This is where I live)
Driver: Your Korean is very good
Me: Yes, Yes, No, Wha?? (obviously not)
Driver: (In English): You Korean language is good
Me: (laughing) No

We then had a few snippets of very broken English conversation.

From this I have taken that I have my directions home grammatically and pronunciatically (just made that word up) almost perfect.
And my Korean is greatly lacking, and I am a lazy fuck for not learning more

This followed by a fun drunken conversation later in the night, us three boys and a Korean couple, the woman spoke very good English and her boyfriend very basic English.
At one point, the guy decides he wants to join the conversation, so he asks so who speaks Korean here.
Ah none of us, and the woman is like what, really? you guys suck, well maybe not the last part but it was implied

However this week marks the start of my concerted effort to actually start learning some Korena, lets hope it sticks

Saturday, 11 August 2007

A taste of home 2

The wide selection of NZ beers available in Korea.
The NZ list was second in length on this menu only to Germany, beating out even Korea

Thursday, 9 August 2007

Wednesday, 8 August 2007

6 Months.. and a day

Woot 6 months now, 6 to go
Ok that is all for now
Oh and I'll eventually get around to posting about my trip
Almost 2 weeks in Singapore and Indonesia