Where to start, well Oona officially leaves the country in half an hour, Dan and Katie leave in 12.
Things are gonna be strange without them, they've really become an integral part of my life, hmmm these things happen though.
So 3 foreign teachers plus Yoon-Hee (nee Tina) have left and 3 have replaced them,
And it looks like everything will be dandy
Though thanks to this deficit of 1 teacher I no longer get breaks Tues/Thurs pm, I'll be having a chat with Janet, hurry her along in finding another Korean teacher, though I don't think she'll need it cos currently she's teaching most of the spare classes.
I got a new kindy kid, Kathy (sadly already named) who can be a bit argumentative at times, but seems like a good kid, she fits in well with the class.
Saw Marc and his gf in the weekend, they were up for the weekend, got to catch up, we actually went to a bar made outta ice it was great, did a virtual Gahn Bae for Albie, I'm not sure if the pic has been emailed yet though, they were up with a dozen other teachers from Busan. They were actually with this girl from Otes, I can't remember her name anymore but I'm sure my Mom knows hers (it's really a given)
Kung Fu next weekend should be interesting, just me and Yeoul, I'm pretty sure I'll keep it up.
Well I've definintely missed important things and I've managed to make it sound uninteresting, I think I'll go back to updating every couple of days if I can.
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