Randomly the place he lived was an old Korean village thingee but across the road was a country club, these two photos show opposite sides of the river.
One of the mountains, sadly it ws overcast and I haven't quite worked out Lightroom properly, though it caught quite a cool shot

And this photo is nothing special but it just came out really well, showing off my camera yeah, you probably wanna look at a larger version.
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Do you shoot in RAW format? Some of your pictures a just a touch under exposed, if you have the RAW files (.nef extension on Nikons, I think) try bumping the EV up to maybe +0.25 - +0.5. It's probably because you're metering with a lot of the bright sky in the frame - do you use matrix metering? Your camera is a D80 right?
Other than that they look pretty nice. I really like number 6, is that in the village?
I'm so jealous of your cam :( I'm going to start saving for either a D80 or 350D/400D as soon as I get a job.
No I don't shoot in RAW, maybe I should start, my camera can definitely hold it, but I'm not sure if my computer has the space, that and I don't think Ihave a program for editing RAW, I generally have just been using Lightroom.
Yip, I"m on matrix metering, but I don't really play around with exposure settings while I'm shooting, I only really worked out how to do it properly cos u mentioned it.
I keep meaning to do some reading up cos I don't really know much about photography yet, but I'll get there, any suggestions are welcome.
Oh and it's a D70
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