Wednesday, 25 April 2007

Life ...

Edit: Chris has made a point here with the "weekends?" phrase, whilst my weekends aren't covered here, they generally get their own post, or I don't do anything at all.

Well I thought I'd write a post about how life's been going in general lately, this ain't gonna take long.
Work's still going along fine, the teaching's good most of the time, the marking's alright but some of the stupid vocab lists and the monthly reports are painful.
We had our first kindergarten videos this week, so there's two 15 min videos on a website somewhere of me 'teachin my kids'.
I really hope they don't keep up the monthly thing, cos its stressful for the kids, and stressful for us, unnecessarily, i think I might just not prepare from now on.
My kids are maturing, in other words a serious divide is forming, I have Atticus at one end and Charlie at the other. Atticus knows all the alphabet, can name a lot of things, can do single digit addition, can recognise the occasional word and can remember something the next day. Charlie still doesn't understand the concept of coloring, can't repeat more than a 2 word phrase and is slowly learning the hard way not to climb up slides.
I say this but my kids are all still pretty aware, some of the kindergarten kids, are still learning what their hands are for.
The rest of the kids are various levels in between, not really sure where, cos i still don't have enough resources to check the non-trouble makers.
I'm still doing Kung fu, its really hard to make myself go after work, so tired, but its usually worth it. Yesterday we did some sparring, so I actually should be able to hold my own in an even fight now, which is a step.
Today was awesome, I finally got to touch a weapon, getting to play with a staff, just the real basics but great fun. Luckily the ridiculous amounts of time I've spent playing with "staff" 's (staves?) translated slightly, yeah.

We got a new teacher yesterdya, another Dave, he's taking over Nick. He's a Canadian and he's a giant, but he seems like he's gonna fit in well.

If you wanna know anything more, jump on msn or gimme an email.

Night All