Tuesday, 27 March 2007

Good Night

Hey guys, just about to go to bed
I'm still going great here, just posted another poll, I don't actually know what I'd choose, you may notice I have incorporated the carryover champions, I know it's a little early for semi-finals, but I'm just seeing how it goes.
As of now I have 999 page views I wonder who's gonna be lucky 1000
And no more Google views, a good thing really, the whole world doesn't need to know my life.
Night All

Update: For all you n00bz, page views are not the same thing as hits, it counts every page that people look at, rather than just counting each visit.
And congratulations Hamish on being visitor #666


Unknown said...

1000 views? my counter said 666 (how appropriate) and refreshed and said 667 so im not sure where you are reading this from brad

Sam said...

Hey Brad,

Looked you up tonight, wasn't hard - "Bard + Seoul", and found you.

I like your blog, I hope you keep it going.

Can I link you?

See you soon mate, give me a call if you want to catch some sports n Itaewon on a weekend sometime.

Sam Teacher

Sam said...

Oops, sorry Bard, I mean Brad.

Where's the edit comments function?