Tuesday, 30 October 2007


Woohoo Halloween tomorrow,
Have been amping all my kids for a couple of weeks now, Boston Campus generally puts on a good halloween.
The formula goes, get the kids upstairs, watch a scary movie,
The teachers go downstairs into their classrooms and wait, then the kids come down and get the Bejesus scared out of them, then there's a room to room Trick or treat.
This is all followed up by a trip downstairs to play some games with candy prizes,
And finally the Haunted House, which most of the kids refuse to enter.

However, this year, management decided instead of having fun the kids must jump in a bus for an hour to go to another business owned by the same Umbrella company ( a Health Spa) and spend an hour posing for photos to advertise the spa (in their costumes) without any semblance of fun. Then an hour back, then late lunch and home.

Sounds like a fair trade.

However we have managed to convince them to let us build a haunted house anyway,
So we spent an hour and a half after work getting it sorted, should be fun.
Too bad they will hafta be rushed through.

In other news the biggest pain in my Kindergarten class, Jina, is outta here

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